Friday, 9 May 2014

The First 1500 Points

As implied by the title of the blog, this blog is about the Dark Mechanicus force that I am creating, which I have named the 'Legio Maledictus'.
As a starting point for this blog, I thought it would be sensible to show the units that I have finished making, along with the names that I have given some units, and what I use them as.

Bastion with Icarus Lascannon

Aegis Defence Line and Guard Thralls (Cultists)

Experimental Walker Omega (Daemon Prince)

Helsentry 11-Lambda 
(Helbrute with Twin-linked Heavy Bolter and Thunder Hammer) 

Helsentry 13-Nu 
(Helbrute with Plasma Cannon and Power Fist)

Pseudo-Forge Tank (Land Raider)

Land Raider

'Fiend' Class Walker 2-Phi 
(Maulerfiend with Magma Cutters)

Dark Magos Rho-Theta-144 (Warpsmith)

I am planning on making two Defilers next, and I am currently looking at ways of making a suitable Plague Marine squad, and possibly a Noise Marine squad too.

I would be interested in any advice or thoughts on the force so far, and also on my plans for expanding it.