Sunday, 24 August 2014

Iron Warriors Terminator

Although it is technically not a model representing the Dark Mechanicum, it is the first model that I intended to use with a Dark Mechanicus force.

I was planning to have a small group of Iron Warriors providing some more normal units to use in games with the Legio Maledictus.
As I was still considering what to do for a Dark Mechanicus force, I had a lot of ideas to try on this model, including the style of basing, and the larger amounts of weathering.

Once I had started making some models to represent Dark Mechanicus machines, I decided not to continue with my plans for the group of Iron Warriors. Also, the style of basing was too complex to do similar designs on smaller bases, and would be very difficult to make on larger bases, so that idea was not carried into the actual force.

Although I do not use the model now, I might still end up creating an Iron Warriors force, but it may end up being separate to the models I have made for the Legio Maledictus.

Sunday, 17 August 2014

The Next 300 Points - Part 3

This week will be the final part of 'The Next 300 Points', and I have saved my favourite model until last.

This is Daedalos the Mechanartisan, who is my alternate warlord for the Legio Maledictus.

The model is mainly made from a Seeker Chariot Daemonette, and the claws/blades and Jump Pack are from Warp Talons/Raptors.

I removed the middle section from the Jump Pack to make it smaller and more suitable for the size of the body, and the warpfire from the exhaust is made from pieces of paperclip and lots of layers of liquid green stuff.

As I mentioned at the end of last week, this model is intended to be used with my second Daemon Prince. and I normally represent it with a Combat Familiar for the Daemon Prince, and by making the Daemon Prince a Psyker.

Next week, I will probably focus on the very first model I intended for my Dark Mechanicus force, which I made before any of the models I have shown so far.

Saturday, 9 August 2014

The Next 300 Points - Part 2

As mentioned in last week's post, this week I am focusing on my second Daemon Prince for the Legio Maledictus.
I use it as a Daemon Prince of Slaanesh with The Murder Sword, with the purpose of eliminating an expensive warlord or monstrous creature, or just tearing apart weaker squads.

The majority of the model is made from a Sentinel, but there are also parts from Raptors, Chaos Space Marines, a Dreadknight, and even some bits of sprue to make the 'tail'. I also used some watch cogs/gears on the 'tail' and legs to add some more detail to the model.

You may have noticed in the earlier images that there is a gap in the basing material. The purpose of the gap is to 'combine' the Daemon Prince with another model, so that if I want to Daemon Prince to be the warlord, I can add a model suitable for a warlord, such as my Dark Magos, as I do not consider the Daemon Prince to be a capable warlord.

The smaller model on the base is represented by being a combat familiar, as well as being the warlord, and in some cases might also be a psyker.

Next week, I will be introducing a very unusual unit, which I created for use with this Daemon Prince.

Saturday, 2 August 2014

The Next 300 Points - Part 1

In order to reduce the gaps between each post, I have decided to try post once per week, with each focusing on a single unit instead.
The Defilers have been taking a bit longer than expected, so for now I have some smaller units to introduce.

For the first part of the next 300 points, I present the Forgespawn:

As suggested by the name, they represent Chaos Spawn for my Dark Mechanicus force. Each one is made from the spare lasher tendrils from a Maulerfiend, and some green-stuff 'cloth', which makes the bases their most expensive part as I had to buy them separately.

This post has ended up being rather short, but next week I will hopefully spend a bit longer introducing the second Daemon Prince for the Legio Maledictus.

Friday, 9 May 2014

The First 1500 Points

As implied by the title of the blog, this blog is about the Dark Mechanicus force that I am creating, which I have named the 'Legio Maledictus'.
As a starting point for this blog, I thought it would be sensible to show the units that I have finished making, along with the names that I have given some units, and what I use them as.

Bastion with Icarus Lascannon

Aegis Defence Line and Guard Thralls (Cultists)

Experimental Walker Omega (Daemon Prince)

Helsentry 11-Lambda 
(Helbrute with Twin-linked Heavy Bolter and Thunder Hammer) 

Helsentry 13-Nu 
(Helbrute with Plasma Cannon and Power Fist)

Pseudo-Forge Tank (Land Raider)

Land Raider

'Fiend' Class Walker 2-Phi 
(Maulerfiend with Magma Cutters)

Dark Magos Rho-Theta-144 (Warpsmith)

I am planning on making two Defilers next, and I am currently looking at ways of making a suitable Plague Marine squad, and possibly a Noise Marine squad too.

I would be interested in any advice or thoughts on the force so far, and also on my plans for expanding it.